We Define IT Consulting

We Define IT Consulting has been serving the Brooklyn, Northwestern PA, Western and Central New York area since 2007, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Mr. Angaza has been changing the face of IT service for over 20 years. His unending commitment to technical excellence is only outmatched by his dedication to customer service and satisfaction.

Custom Building Blocks Coming to Google Workspace, but Not for Everyone

Custom Building Blocks Coming to Google Workspace, but Not for Everyone

Google continues to build its Workspace platform up with new and innovative tools that can help businesses be more successful and efficient. One such tool is a new solution being offered to select businesses using work or school platforms of Google Workspace: custom building blocks.


IT Compliance is Important: Here are Some Requirements You May Need to Know

IT Compliance is Important: Here are Some Requirements You May Need to Know

Compliance is a critical element of many businesses’ requirements, with pretty severe penalties as a consequence if the prescribed standards are not met. Even more importantly, most compliance requirements and regulations are put in place for the welfare of not only the business, but its clientele as well. This makes it critical to know which apply to your business, and how to meet them fully.


Does Your IT Staff Have These Important Certifications?

Does Your IT Staff Have These Important Certifications?

Information technology is a constantly changing industry, with practices shifting all the time. As a result, anyone you have working on your company’s IT should be actively seeking out various certifications to confirm that they are keeping up on modern trends and standards. To help you accomplish this, we’ve put together a brief list of valuable IT certifications that your IT personnel—whether they’re in-house employees or outsourced professionals—should have.


Which Security Issues Should You Watch Out for In Your Business?

Which Security Issues Should You Watch Out for In Your Business?

While it is important that your business implement comprehensive network protections, there are plenty of simple ways that your business’ cybersecurity could potentially fail. This could easily cost you heavily in your available capital, financial and social alike.


Smartphones: What’s New for 2023

Smartphones: What’s New for 2023

Each year, we take some time and take a look at the most interesting new smartphones that are being released. Over the past few years, fewer companies are making smartphones and throughout the whole industry, innovation has seemed to slow. Whether this is a result of rigid market dynamics, supply shortages, or the extraordinary costs it takes to manufacture and source components, it has taken some of the largest technology companies in the world—such as Amazon, LG, and HTC—out of the market and presented limited opportunities for other global technology leaders such as Microsoft, Sony, and Nokia. 


3 Ways that Managed Services Can Boost Your Business’ Profitability

3 Ways that Managed Services Can Boost Your Business’ Profitability

In good times and bad, profitability is the priority for most businesses out there. Having said that, this priority is typically a challenging one to achieve, but did you know that there are a few different ways that investing in a relationship with a managed service provider can help increase your productivity—and as a result, your overall profitability?


Can AI Be Trusted to Stop Phishing?

Can AI Be Trusted to Stop Phishing?

AI—artificial intelligence—has been a hot topic as of late, with it seemingly being used for any purpose you can imagine nowadays. Unfortunately, this has also included cybercrime.

However, just as AI can be a weapon for cybercriminals to use, it can also be a shield to help protect your business from threats. For instance, in phishing prevention.


An Organized Workspace Has Major Benefits

An Organized Workspace Has Major Benefits

Every office has that one person that doesn’t seem to care that they are working in a room with other people. You know the type: They have day-old food on their desk. There are papers and other unnecessary items strewn about the desktop. Things are sticky and smell strange. The funny part is they seem comfortable with that mess. They may be the only one that is. In this week’s blog, we discuss the benefits of keeping your workspace clean.


If You Think a Consumer-Grade VPN is Worth It, Think Again

If You Think a Consumer-Grade VPN is Worth It, Think Again

When it comes to security, one often overlooked tool is the virtual private network, or VPN. We recommend that all businesses use a VPN to keep remote and hybrid workers from inadvertently putting your business’ data at risk while out of the office. Let’s go over why a VPN is so effective, as well as what you should look for in a business-grade VPN tool.


Perfecting Productivity, Part Four: Promoting Productivity in Your Business

Perfecting Productivity, Part Four: Promoting Productivity in Your Business

So, at this point, we’ve talked about what productivity is, how it can be measured, and how to protect it from what could potentially impact it negatively. To bring this brief series to a close, let’s talk about the things you can do to maximize it as much as possible for your business’ benefit.


Upcoming App Archiving Option for Android Devices Might Help You Save Storage Space

Upcoming App Archiving Option for Android Devices Might Help You Save Storage Space

Have you ever struggled with storage space on your Android device? For individuals who have, we bet that downloading applications that you ultimately don’t end up using very often is a major culprit here. To help you clear up storage space on your device, Android will receive an auto-archiving feature that can save you significant amounts of storage space by archiving your unused applications.


What You Need to Know About Setting Up an Effective Wireless Network

What You Need to Know About Setting Up an Effective Wireless Network

Your business depends on its bandwidth and its Internet connection to remain productive, part of which means ensuring that you have a reliable and stable wireless connection. How can you set up your network so that it is optimal and efficient? We have some thoughts on the matter and want to share them with you.


What is a BDR and Why Does Your Organization Need One?

What is a BDR and Why Does Your Organization Need One?

Data backup always sounds like a simple process, but if you truly want to rely on your backup, it needs to be absolutely infallible. That is the objective behind an IT appliance known as the BDR, which stands for Backup and Disaster Recovery.


Incorporating Insights From Enterprise Companies Can Benefit Your Business’ Security

Incorporating Insights From Enterprise Companies Can Benefit Your Business’ Security

Businesses cannot afford to grow complacent with their network security, as it could make a significant difference between falling prey to an attack and remaining secure. The process of securing a network must be looked at holistically, from top to bottom. This idea of enterprise security is not new, but even a small business needs to keep it in mind, and these solutions are more accessible than you might think.


What Does Effective Security Training Involve Nowadays?

What Does Effective Security Training Involve Nowadays?

One major aspect of your business’ security is how well your team is trained to preserve it. Let’s go over some of the aspects that you need to be sure you address as you educate your team.


Tomorrow is Earth Day, But Here’s What Your Business Can Do Every Day

Tomorrow is Earth Day, But Here’s What Your Business Can Do Every Day

Sustainability is a hot topic nowadays, from how we conduct ourselves in our personal lives to how businesses go about their respective business. If this is something that you want to promote in your business, we figured that the day before Earth Day was as good a day as any to share some of the ways you can do so.


Perfecting Productivity, Part Three: Protecting Productivity

Perfecting Productivity, Part Three: Protecting Productivity

We’ve been spending the past few weeks examining productivity and how to optimize it, and today, we felt it was necessary to address the issues that could throw the proverbial wrench into the works. 

Don’t worry, though, we’re also going to touch on how you can avoid and/or mitigate the issues that might threaten your productivity.


Just Because Google Chrome Offers Password Management Doesn’t Mean You Should Use It

Just Because Google Chrome Offers Password Management Doesn’t Mean You Should Use It

One of the reasons that information technology keeps changing is for the sake of the user and their convenience using it. However, if this convenience comes at the sacrifice of your business’ cybersecurity, it just isn’t worth it. This is the crux of why we always recommend that any organization seeking to use password management should invest in a reputable password management software, rather than the built-in capabilities of modern browsers.


Perfecting Productivity, Part Two: How to Portion Out Productivity

Perfecting Productivity, Part Two: How to Portion Out Productivity

Recently, we talked about productivity, and how it can be defined. We wanted to continue our deep dive into the concept of productivity with an examination of the different ways that you can measure your own.

So, how can you keep track of your productivity?


Tip of the Week: Make Your Desktop Icons Bigger (or Smaller)

Tip of the Week: Make Your Desktop Icons Bigger (or Smaller)

If you frequently use your desktop to store icons and files, and if you’re like most people who do this, you probably have a cluttered desktop that is difficult to manage. While you can and should take time to clean it up from time to time, one quick way you can do so is by adjusting the size of the icons found on your desktop.


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